9:00 AM
- Milos Vuksic, Co-Founder GPF Belgrade
- Daniel Gros, Founder GREEN PEAK FESTIVAL Vienna, Belgrade, Abu Dhabi
- Aleksa Todorovic, Co-Founder GPF Belgrade
- Aleksandar Gros, Founder GREEN PEAK FESTIVAL Vienna, Belgrade, Abu Dhabi
9:15 AM
Geopolitical perspectives 2025
- Wolfgang Petritsch, President of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation
- Kori Udovički, Chairwoman of the Board, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES)
- Moderation: Daniel Gros, Founder GREEN PEAK FESTIVAL Vienna, Belgrade, Abu Dhabi
10:00 AM
Circular Pathways: Unlocking the Value of Recycling
- Dimitrije Knjeginić, CEO LafargeHolcim Serbia
- Jan Mally, Co-Founder Eso Tron
- Sara Pavkov, Head of Cabinet at Serbia’s Ministry of Environmental Protection
- Andreas Opelt, COO – Chief Executive Officer Core Business and Hazardous Waste at Saubermacher
- Moderation: Marijana Krkić, Media Advisor Government of the Republic of Serbia
11:00 AM
- Slavko Dimovic, Director of institute for nuclear sciences Vinca - University of Belgrade - Institute of national importance for Republic of Serbia
- Moderation: Aleksa Todorovic, Co-Founder GPF Belgrade
11:30 AM
Green Horizons: Pioneering the Energy Evolution
- Rade Mrdak, Deputy Minister in charge of renewable energy sources, Minsitry of mining and energy in Republic of Serbia
- Wolfgang Anzengruber, Advisory Board Member at Siemens, ASFINAG & ÖkoStrom AG, former CEO at Verbund
- Milos Lakovic, Partner Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
- Kalina Trifonova, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board at EVN Bulgaria
- Moderation: Nikola Rajakovic, University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering
12:10 PM
Why Carbon Credits concern us all?
- Jakob Zenz, Managing Director & Founder at EcoNetix
- Paul Nimmerfall, Managing Director & Co-Founder at EcoNetix
12:20 PM
Investing in Tomorrow: Financing the Sustainable Transition
- Elvin Guri, Private Equity Investor and Manager at Invenio Partners
- Milos Velimirovic, Managing Partner at SOG Kinstellar
- Marko Hinic, Partner at Integral Venture Partners
- Moderation: Dragan Bosiljkic, Managing Partner ESFA, Belgrade
- more speakers tba
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
Sustaining the Plate: Innovations in Food and Beverage
- Svetozar Janevski, President of the Board Tikves winery and Partner at M6 Investments
- Zvonimir Mrsic, Operating Partner at Spitzberg Partners LLC, former CEO at Podravka
- Darko Mandich, CEO & Co-Founder at MeliBio - Makers of Mellody®, Immigrant Entrepreneur in Foodtech, Founder at Foodscale Hub (online appearance)
- Fritz Kaltenegger, CEO at café+co International Holding
- Momir Pavlovic, CEO Valter BBQ
- Moderation: Milos Vuksic, Co-Founder GPF Belgrade
2:45 PM
How to avoid Green washing
- Moderation: Mira Jovašević, Two Rivers Agency
- Key speakers tba
3:15 PM
Biotech for a Sustainable World: Innovation Across the Spectrum
- Xavier Marcenac, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Nasekomo
- Elisabeth Köstinger, Entrepreneur, Investor, Non Executive Director at Ryanair, former Austrian Federal Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, the Environment and Water Management
- Moderation: Zvonimir Mrsic, Operating Partner at Spitzberg Partners LLC, former CEO at Podravka
- more speakers tba
4:00 PM
Driving the Green Agenda: The SME/MSP Perspective
- Dan Breznitz, Munk Chair of Innovation Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and Political Science, University of Toronto (online appearance)
- Vitaliy Roud, Researcher and lecturer, Zagreb School of Economics and Management
- Panel coordinator: Dr. Sonja Avlijaš, Faculty of Economics and Business University of Belgrade
4:00 PM
Transport on the road ahead
- Dr. Johannes Purtscher, Head of Sustainability at ÖBB Train Tech
- Moderation: Marijana Krkić, Media Advisor Government of the Republic of Serbia
- more speakers tba
5:30 PM